Woman of the Century/Helen Morton Smith
SMITH, Miss Helen Morton, journalist, born in Sullivan Harbor, Me., 12th December, 1859. She was a precocious child and a diligent student. She received a primary education in the school of her town. Her later education was obtained in a convent in Michigan. While quite young, she became a regular contributor to country papers, and many of her articles were copied by metropolitan journals. She enrolled herself in the ranks of overworked and underpaid school-teachers and won the success sure to attend the efforts of a gifted woman. After three years of service in the cause of education, the craving for a broader life led her to abandon what she had once considered her chosen work and enter the profession which is always open to talents such as hers. Boston was her chosen field of labor, and the excellent training received in that city prepared her for the positions she has since held. In 1890, in addition to a large special correspondence and associated press reporting from Bar Harbor, she was local editor of the Bar Harbor " Record." and in the following year she was made managing editor. In connection with that work she furnished many of the leading newspapers with Bar Harbor matter, her letters reaching as far west as Cincinnati and Chicago. She has a beautiful home in Sullivan Harbor, but spends her winters in New York and Washington