Woman of the Century/Jennie E. Sibley
SIBLEY, Mrs. Jennie E., temperance worker, is a daughter of the late Judge Thomas, of Columbus, Ga., a leader in his State, and the wife of William C. Sibley, of Augusta, Ga., president of the Sibley Cotton Mills. Her girlhood home was a beautiful estate near Columbus. With the exception of some reverses in her early married days, consequent upon the fortunes of war, her life has been one of comfort and luxury. Reared in wealth and married to a gentleman of means, her life has been one singularly free from care, but she has turned away from the allurements of social leadership to give her time, her money and her forces of mind and character to the alleviation of the woes and crimes of the vicious and unfortunate. For years she has taught a Sunday-school among the factory children of her husband's mills and has carried purity, strength and peace into many unenlightened homes. Her Sunday-school work has been in a Presbyterian Church, built and given to the factory people by Mr. Sibley, whose purse is ever open to the wise and sympathetic calls of his philanthropic wife. Mrs. Sibley has delivered many public addresses. One of the most important of these was her plea before the State Sunday-school convention on "Sunday-school Work Among the Factory Children." Her prominence and courage in temperance work have given her a reputation throughout the land. She labors with her hands, her purse, her pen, her eloquent tongue, with all the force and fervor of a crusader and the most purifying and regenerating results follow her efforts in every field. She has an immense correspondence in connection with her benevolent and reformatory enterprises, and has contributed a large number of strong and suggestive articles to various magazines and periodicals. Her home life is exceptionally happy, luxurious and easeful. She h;is already met her reward for her unselfish devotion to all uplifting and and healing measures, in the blessed possession of five sons, all enthusiastic for temperance and all members of the church. She is at the head of many of the most successful reform organizations of the South, and honors and distinctions have been showered upon her.