Woman of the Century/Jennie Ellis Keysor
KEYSOR, Mrs. Jennie Ellis, educator, born in Austin, Minn., 2nd March, 1860. She was a high-school graduate of 1878 and began to teach in a district school, riding nearly four miles on horseback daily and utilizing the long ride in the study of English literature She was graduated from the Winona Normal School in 1879, and was appointed to a position in the Austin school in the same year. She soon accepted the charge of the preparatory department of United States history, or civil government, of the normal school. After two years in the normal she completed in Wellesley College her course in English literature, history and Anglo-Saxon. She again occupied a position in the Winona normal, having charge of the depart- ment of English literature and rhetoric. She resigned to become the wife of William W. Keysor, an attorney of Omaha and at present one of the district judges. Born to the love of teaching, she was not content to lay it aside, and was for some years one of Omaha's most efficient educators and institute workers. She has been for years a writer for the "Popular Educator" and a frequent contributor to other periodicals. In 1888 she went abroad, visiting England and Scotland. Mrs. Keysor is a woman of progressive ideas and energy.