Woman of the Century/Kate Duval Hughes
HUGHES, Mrs. Kate Duval, author and inventor, born in Philadelphia, Pa., 15th June, 1837. She is of French descent Her maiden name was Duval. Her parents were wealthy, and she received a thorough education. Her marriage proved an unfortunate one, and the loss of her fortune threw her upon her own resources. She spent several years in Europe, and after her return to the United States she settled in Washington, D. C, where she secured a position in one of the governmental departments. She has shown her versatility in inventing two mechanical contrivances for locking windows, both of which have been patented. Mrs. Hughes is in religion a Roman Catholic, and her three books. "Little Pearls" (New York, 1876), "The Mysterious Castle" (Baltimore. 1878). and "The Fair Maid of Connaught" (New York. 1889), are religious in character. Cardinal Gibbons has pronounced a favorable opinion of her works, which are written for younger readers. Mrs. Hughes leads a comparatively secluded life. Her clerical work and her literary occupations employ her time fully. About three years ago she discovered the art of extracting the essential oil of frankincense as used by the ancients. This she has introduced into an ointment for skin diseases, which has been used in many hospitals.