Woman of the Century/Kate Eva Westlake
WESTLAKE, Miss Kate Eva, editor, was born in Ingersoll, Canada. Her life was spent in the adjacent city of London. She is a Canadian by birth and in sentiment, though she comes of English parentage. Her first literary work, outside of occasional sketches for local newspapers, was a serial story entitled "Stranger Than Fiction," published in a western monthly magazine.
She entered active journalistic work as sub-editor of the St. Thomas "Journal," which position she held until she assumed the editorship of the " Fireside Weekly," a family story paper published in Toronto, Ont Among the best known of her longer serial stories are "A Rolling Stone," "Eclipsed" and "A Previous Engagement" Two others of her stories have been published in book form in the United States and Canada, and it is, perhaps, in the field of fiction she does her best work, although her series of humorous sketches, written over the pen-name "Aunt Polly Wogg," is widely read and very popular. She is quiet and retiring, strongly sympathetic, with a keen sense of humor and a ready wit In religion she is a Baptist in politics a Liberal, and in all questions of progression and social reform she takes a warm interest.