Woman of the Century/Lucy Ware Webb Hayes
HAYES, Mrs. Lucy Ware Webb, wife of Rutherford B. Hayes, the nineteenth President of the United States, born in Chillicothe, Ohio, 28th August. 1831, and died in Fremont, Ohio, 25th June, 1879. She was the daughter of Dr. James Webb and Maria Cook Webb, and the granddaughter of Judge Isaac Cook, of Connecticut. She was educated in the Wesleyan Female Seminary, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was graduated in 1852 She became the wife of Mr. Hayes in 1853. Her husband and all her brothers served in the Union army during the Civil War, and her home was the shelter of soldiers sick and wounded. She spent two winters in camp in Virginia with her husband, and also served in the hospital for soldiers in Frederick City, Md. While her husband was a member of Congress from Ohio and Governor of that State, Mrs. Hayes actively promoted State charities. She was one of the organizers of the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, and served on its board of directors until it was made a State institution. She became mistress of the White House when Mr. Hayes was inaugurated, in March, 1877, and she presided throughout his term of office. Her regime was a decided departure from all former ones. While performing her duties in the most queenly manner and in accordance with every proper demand of the situation, she made the White House a religious and temperance home. She was a woman in whom the religious and moral elements predominated. While she presided in the White House, she would not permit wine to be served on the table. The innovation called down upon her much censure from certain quarters, but her action was highly commended by all temperance workers. At the close of her term in the White House she received a large album and other testimonials of approval from prominent persons. Retiring from the White House in 1881, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes returned to their home in Fremont, Ohio. Mrs. Hayes became deeply interested in the Woman's Relief Coqis. She served for several years as president of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She was elected an honorary member of the Society of the Army of West Virginia, in recognition of her services to the soldiers during the Civil War. Mrs. Hayes was a woman of broad mind, liberal culture, exalted views and strong and positive character.