Woman of the Century/Lydia Louisa Anna Very
VERY, Miss Lydia Louisa Anna, author, educator and artist, born in Salem, Mass., 2nd November, 1823. At the age of eighteen she became a teacher, and continued in that profession for thirty-four years, for the greater part of the time in the public schools of her native city, and the last two years in the private school of her sister, Miss Frances E. Very. She has been noted for her independence of character, her contempt for fashionable foibles, her advocacy of all good causes, even when they were unpopular, and her love for and defense of dumb animals. She is also well known as a friend of horses. She is an artist, painting in oils and modeling in clay. Some of her statuettes are very artistic. Her artistic taste and fancy were displayed in her "Red Riding Hood." published some years ago. It was the first book ever made in the shape of a child or an animal, and wholly original in design and illustration. It had a large sale in this country and in Germany. The author was unable to get a patent for it, and she received but small compensation Her next books were "Robinson Crusoe," "Goody Two Shoes," "Cinderella" and others. Poor imitations of these were soon in the market, and the original design was followed in late years by a multitude of booklets cut in various shapes. She has been a frequent contributor to the magazines and papers of the day. Two of her poems. "England's Demand for Slidell and Mason" and the "Grecian Bend," are widely known. The first volume of her poems was published in 1856, the last volume. "Poems and Prose Writings." in 1890. She has translated poems from the French and German. She is now living with her sister on the old homestead, in Salem, Mass.