Woman of the Century/Margaret Hunt Brisbane
BRISBANE, Mrs. Margaret Hunt, poet, born in Vicksburg. Miss., 11th February, 1858. She is the youngest daughter of the late Col. Harper P. Hunt, a southerner of the old regime,
whose wife was Margaret Tompkins, a member of the well-known Kentucky family of that name. Her childhood was passed in the happy freedom of out-door sport, amid the trees that surrounded the "old house on the hill," as the Hunt mansion was called, and in companionship with bees and birds, flowers and pet horses and dogs, growing up with a naturally poetic temperament, fully developed by her surroundings. Early in life she began to express her musings inverse, and some of her earliest poems gave evidence of the poetical qualities she has revealed in her later and more important work. She has always possessed a sunshiny disposition and a fondness for society, and is a model mother, wife and housekeeper. She was married in 1883 to Dr. Howard Brisbane, of New York, a grandson of Albert Brisbane, of Brook Farm fame. Their family consists of three children. Mrs. Brisbane is a woman of great versatility, of strong womanly sympathies, and of marked refinement. She is a leader in the society of Vicksburg, and Mississippians are proud of her achievements in literature. She is artistic in temperament and aspiration, and in her life she is charitable.