Woman of the Century/Marion Juliet Mitchell
MITCHELL. Miss Marion Juliet, poet, born in Buffalo, N. Y., 4th September, 1836. Her father was Dr. John Mitchell, who died in 1885. Her mother died in 1888. She went with her parents to Wisconsin, and the family settled in Janesville, which was then a small village. One of the best of her earlier poems, "My Grandmother's Home," is a memorial of several happy years which she passed in cnildhood with her grandparents, Hon. Isaac Lacey and wife, near Rochester, N. Y. She attended school in Rochester, and went afterwards to the Ingham Collegiate Institute, in Le Roy, N. Y. She finished with a thorough course in Mrs. Willard's seminary, in Troy, N. Y. She inherited literary tastes from her parents. Most of her poetic work is of recent date and shows matured powers of imagination and expression. She is quiet and domestic in her tastes, and cares little for what is generally termed society. She is surrounded by a circle of congenial friends, and her life is passed in good works and the delights of literature.