Woman of the Century/Mary Jane Safford
SAFFORD, Mary Jane, physician and surgeon, born in Boston, Man., in 18—, and died in 1891. She was a woman of marked mental powers. She received a good education and studied medicine in New York City, graduating in 1867. She went to Vienna and studied in the university. She and her classmate, Josephine K. Henry, M D., of Versailles, Ky., were the first women allowed to matriculate in that institution. She studied in Vienna a year, and then went to northern Germany, where she studied surgery and practiced. While in Germany, she performed the operation of ovariotomy, probably the first ever performed by a woman. She returned to Boston, where she practiced and served as instructor in the Boston University. She was one of the first women to serve on the Boston school committee. She lectured on dress-reform and hygiene, and was active in reform work. Her health failed, and she made her home in Florida during the last years of her life. She adopted two girls, who constituted her family.