Woman of the Century/Mary Louise Riley Smith
SMITH, Mrs. Mary Louise Riley, poet, born in Brighton, Monroe county, N. Y., 27th May, 1852. Her maiden name was Mary Louise Riley. She was educated in the collegiate institute in Brockport, N. Y. She early showed her literary talent, and in youth wrote much in rhyme. In 1869 she became the wife of Albert Smith, of Springfield, Ill. They soon removed to New York City, where they now live. She was for years corresponding secretary of Sorosis, and she belongs to other woman clubs, before which she has often spoken. Their family consists of one son. Her published books are "A Gift of Gentians and Other Verses" (New York, 1882), and "The Inn of Rest" (1888). She has contributed to many periodicals, and her poems are of the class that are widely copied. Among the best and most popular of her poems are "Tired Mothers," "If We Knew," "The Easter Moon," " Love is Sweeter than Rest" and "My Prayer." Among those that have been published separately as booklets are "His Name" and "Sometime," and they have found a wide sale."