Woman of the Century/Mary Virginia Proctor
PROCTOR, Mrs. Mary Virginia, journalist and philanthropist, born in a quaint old homestead on a farm in Rappahannock county, Va., and May, 1854. Her maiden name was Mary Virginia Swindler. In 1858 her parents removed to Greene county, Ohio, and settled upon a farm, where Mary grew to womanhood, receiving such educational ad vantages as the rural schools of the time could offer. When scarcely fifteen years of age, she engaged in teaching neighborhood schools, but, after a period of such labor covering two years, feeling the necessity of a broader education, she entered the Xenia Female College, a Methodist institution, where in eighteen months she was graduated. After her graduation she was engaged as a teacher in the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home, in Xenia. In her capacity as teacher she served in that institution until 1879. At the time of her incumbency Thomas Meigher Proctor was engaged in editing the "Home Weekly," a paper devoted to the interests of the institution. He was a man of fine abilities and has been connected with many of the leading daily journals of the country. Their acquaintance ended in marriage on 27th November, 1879, in the Home. After the marriage Mr. Proctor continued the management of the "Home Weekly" for nearly a year, when they removed to Wilmington, Ohio, where he became the editor and proprietor of the "Clinton County Democrat." In Wilmington their only child, Merrill Anne Proctor, was born. They continued to live in Wilmington until 1883, and during that time Mrs. Proctor contributed many articles to the " Democrat." In 1883 they removed to Lebanon. Ohio, where they commenced the lucrative and successful management of the "Lebanon Patriot" In no small degree its prosperity must be attributed to the foresight, prudence and executive ability of Mrs. Proctor. Mr. Proctor died 13th July, 1891. In her widowhood and with the care and nurture of her child solely upon her, Mrs. Proctor was broken, but not dismayed. She assumed the management of the paper. It has grown in literary excellence. In addition to the her she expends upon the paper, she is a regular contributor to the Cincinnati "Enquirer," and furnishes many articles to other dailies and magazines. She has been honored by two governors of Ohio with appointments as visitor to the Home where she taught the youth in former days. At present she is president of the board of visitors. Two judges have appointed her a visitor to the charitable and correctional institutions of Warren county. She united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in early life and a part of her time is devoted to its cause.