Woman of the Century/Minnie Willis Baines Miller
MILLER, Mrs. Minnie Willis Baines, author, born in Lebanon, N. H., 8th January, 1845. The first years of her life were spent on New England soil. Ohio has been her home during the greater portion of her life, and there all her literary work has been accomplished. Her maiden name was Minnie Willis. She has been twice married. Her first husband was Evan Franklin Baines, and the name of her present husband, to whom she was married 18th February, 1892, is Leroy Edgar Miller. Her literary career was commenced early. Her taste for composition in both poetry and prose was a feature of her character in childhood. Her writing, during many years of her life, was without any fixed purpose, save that of indulging her own inclination and entertaining others. The loss of her children. Florence May Baines and Frank Willis Baines. within three years of each other, caused her to devote herself largely to strictly religious literature. Her best-known works of that character are "The Silent land" (Cincinnati 1890), "His Cousin, The Doctor" (Cincinnati 1891), and " The Pilgrim's Vision" (Cincinnati, 1892) She has been a regular contributor to various religious newspapers, writing often over her own name, and oftener perhaps behind an editorial "we" or a pen-name. She is the first president of the Springfield Woman's Pioneer Press Club, a literary association formed of women who write for the press. During the crusade through- out Ohio and the western States against the liquor-rather some years ago, and also in the popular temperance movement known as the "Murphy Work," she was an active, earnest participant, lecturing extensively and successfully in her own and other States. Her home is in Springfield. Ohio.