Woman of the Century/Nellie George Stearns
STEARNS, Mrs. Nellie George, artist, born in Warner, N. H., 10th July, 1855. She is the daughter of Gilman C. and Nancy B. George, and wife of George Frederick Stearns. She inherited from her mother a decided inclination toward art, even in her childhood. From her father she inherits poetic talents. Sketching was her constant amusement. Her parents early engaged art tutors for her in her own home. She was graduated with high honors in one of the best
institutions of learning.
After leaving school she taught for several years. She took a thorough course in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and later studied portrait painting with Monsieur Emilie Lonigo. She has wide knowledge of technique. Her painting of "The Great Rid Pipe Stone Quarry," a scene immortalized in Longfellow's "Hiawatha," was exhibited in the New Orleans World's Exposition in 1884. She most delights in painting the human face and form. Her home and studio are In Boston, and her time is spent in teaching art in its various branches Her summers are devoted to classes throughout the New England States. During the season of 1891 she had charge of the art department in the East Epping, Chautauqua Assembly. N. H.