Woman of the Century/Nina Vera B. Hughes
HUGHES, Mrs. Nina Vera B., author, was born in Paris, Canada. She was reared and educated
in the United States, living in New York State and in Boston principally. Her maternal grandfather was for twelve years a member of Parliament in Canada. Her paternal grandfather was a Methodist clergyman. Mrs. Hughes early showed literary tastes and talents, which she inherited from her long line of literary and professional ancestors. She has been a lifelong student and has written verse from childhood. Her present work is entirely professional and instructive along the lines of ethical and metaphysical culture. Among her best-known works are "Twelve Simple Lessons in Metaphysics," "Practical Home Thoughts," "Truth for Youth." "Office, In and Out." "Lecture-Room Talks." and "Guide to Health." Her home is now in Washington, D. C.