Woman of the Century/Rosa Louise Woodberry
WOODBERRY, Miss Rosa Louise, journalist and educator, born in Barnwell county, S. C.,
11th March, 1869. She is next to the oldest in a family of nine, and comes from a long line of ardent Carolinians. She spent the first thirteen years of her life in a small town, Williston, S. C., and there received her early education. Her parents then removed to Augusta, Ga., where she was graduated with first honor as valedictorian of her class. It was during her school-life in that city she began her literary work and became a contributor to various journals. At the same time she learned shorthand, and soon took a position on the star! of the Augusta "Chronicle." She resigned that position to take a collegiate course in Lucy Cobb Institute. Athens, Ga., in which institute she has been teaching since her post-graduate year. She now has charge of the current literature class in that school. During vacations her home Is in Savannah, Ga. She finds time to do a great deal of literary work, and gets through a large amount of reading, both in books and newspapers. Her stories, sketches, poems and critical reviews have appeared in various papers and magazines. She has given much of her time to the study of science, and is a close observer of all scientific phenomena. From her earliest years she has discussed State and political themes with her father Reared in such an atmosphere, one can readily account for one of her chief characteristics, fervent patriotism and devotion to her native State and sunny southland. She eloquently upholds all its customs, peculiarities and beliefs. Her eager interest and patriotic devotion have made her keenly alive to all political, social and humanitarian movements, and have led her to give close attention to the study of political economy, especially in its bearing upon the industrial present and future of the South. She won a prize of fifty dollars for the best essay on the method of improving small industries in the South, offered by the Augusta "Chronicle." She has an intense sympathy with girls who earn their own living, and she is warmly interested in all that concerns their progress and encouragement Having been a stenographer herself, she knows from experience the realities of a vocation. She is an officer in the Woman's Press Club of Georgia, and the chairman of all confederated woman's clubs in the State.