Woman of the Century/Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
LEPROHON, Mrs. Rosanna Eleanor, poet and novelist, born in Montreal, Can., November 9th, 1832. Her maiden name was Rosanna Eleanor Mullins. She was educated in the convent of the Congregation of Notre Dame, in her native city. Long before her education was
completed, she had given evidence of no common literary ability. She was fourteen years old, when she made her earliest essay in verse and prose. Before she had passed beyond the years and scenes of girlhood, she had already won a reputation as a writer of considerable promise, and while John Lovell conducted the "Literary Garland," Miss Mullins was one of his leading contributors. She
continued to write for that magazine until lack of financial success compelled its enterprising proprietor to suspend its publication. In 1851 Miss lullins became the wife of Dr. J. L. Leprohon, a
member of one of the most distinguished Canadian families. She was a frequent contributor to the Boston "Pilot" and to several of the Montreal journals. She wrote year after year the "News-boys' Address" for the "True Witness," the "Daily News" and other newspapers. The "Journal of Education," the "Canadian Illustrated
News." the "Saturday Reader," the "Hearthstone" and other periodicals in Canada and elsewhere were always glad to number Mrs.
Leprohon's productions among their features. Although a poet of merit, it was as a writer of fiction she won her most marked popular successes. Four of her most elaborate tales were translated into French. These are "Ida Beresford" (1857), "The Manor House of Villerai" (1859), "Antoinette de Mirecourt" (1872), and "Armand Durand " (1870). Besides these, she wrote "Florence Fitz Harding" (1869), "Eva Huntington" (1864), "Clarence Fitz Clarence" (1860) , and "Eveleen O'Donnell " (1865), all published in Montreal.