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Women's suffrage: a short history of a great movement/Index

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2277864Women's suffrage: a short history of a great movement — IndexMillicent Garrett Fawcett


Acton, Lord, on political violence, 66
Adult Suffrage Bill, 1909, 70
—— 1912, 78-82
America, Women's Suffrage in, 89
Amos, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon, 22
Anderson, Mrs. Garrett, M.D. See Garrett
Anti-Corn Law League, 13
Anti-slavery movement in America, 5
—— Congress, 13
Anti-Suffrage League, the, 46
Anti-Suffrage Review, quoted, 47, 52, 77
Anti-suffragists, arguments of, 14
—— and the Insurance Bill, 57
—— and municipal franchise, 50, 51, 52
—— letter against Conciliation Bill, 55, 56
—— movement in United States, 47
—— protest in Nineteenth Century (1889), 46
—— tactics of, 33, 34, 35, 51-54
Ashton, Miss Margaret, 51
Asquith, Mr., on facilities for Suffrage Bill, 68, 77, 78
—— on position of women under Manhood Suffrage Bill, 78, 80, 81
—— on women's political activity, 32
—— on Women's Suffrage, 35, 70, 71, 80
Australia, Women's Suffrage in, 35, 40, 42, 43, 59, 89

Bannerman, Sir H. Campbell, on Women's Suffrage, 69
Becker, Miss Lydia, 10, 21
Begg, Mr. FaithfuII, Women's Suffrage Bill of, 34, 60
Birrell, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 76
Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth, 22
Blake, Miss Jex, 22
Bodichon, Mrs., 20, 22
Borthwick, Sir Algernon, 24, 30
Brailsford, Mr. H. N., 73, 85
Bright, Mr. Jacob, 23
Bright, John, on Parliamentary Reform, 18
—— on Women's Suffrage, 19
Brougham's Act, Lord, I860, 9
Browning, E. B., Aurora Leigh, 12
Bryce, Rt. Hon. James, 34
Burke on Dissenters' Petition, 54
Butler, Mrs. Josephine, 20, 22

California, Women's Suffrage in, 83, 89
Canvassing, 29, 30
Chorlton v. Lings, case of, 10, 11
Churchill, Lord Randolph, 30
Churchill, Mr. Winston, on militant tactics, 66, 67
—— on Women's Suffrage, 72, 75
Clark, Mrs. Helen, 27
Cobbe, Frances Power, 20
Cobden on Women's Suffrage, 13
Conciliation Committee, the, 72, 73, 85
Conciliation Bill (Mr. Shackleton's), 1910, 55, 75, 85
—— (Sir George Kemp's), 1911, 73-76, 77, 85
—— Anti-Suffragists' protest against, 55, 56
—— petitions and resolutions in favour of, 88
Condorcet, 5
Contagious Diseases Acts, 22

Corrupt Practices Act, 29, 30
Creighton, Mrs., 44
Crimean War, the, 14
Cromer, Lord, on Women's Suffrage, 47
Cromwell, on gains by force, 64

Davies, Miss Emily, 20, 21, 22
Demonstrations, public, 76, 86
Despard, Mrs., 63
Disraeli, on Women's Suffrage, 13, 24
Dissenters' Petition, Burke on, 54, 55
Divorce Act, 1857, 15
Dublin, Lord Mayor of, 88n.

Electoral Reform Bill, 1912, 78-82
Elmy, Mrs. Wolstenholme, 22

Fawcett, The Rt. Hon. H., 20, 62
Finland, Women's Suffrage in, 58, 59, 89
Fisher, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 42
Five Mile Act, 54
Fry, Mrs. Elizabeth, 6

Garrett, Miss Elizabeth, 19, 20, 21
Garrison, William Lloyd, 13
General Election, 1910, 72
Gladstone, Mr., on Divorce Bill, 1857, 15
—— on household suffrage, 25
—— opposition to Reform Bill, 1884, 27
—— on women's political activity, 32
—— on Women's Suffrage, 27, 28, 33
Godwin, William, 5
Goschen, Lord, on agricultural
—— labourers' franchise, 25
Grey, Mrs. William, 22
Grey, Sir Edward, on Women's Suffrage, 72, 76, 81, 82
Guardianship of Children Act, 22
Gurney, Miss, 22
—— Rt. Hon. Russell, 22, 23

Haldane, Lord, on Women's Suffrage, 69, 75, 76
Hall, Sir John, 37, 38
Harrison, Frederic, on powers of the elector, 53
Herschell, Miss Caroline, 12
Hill, Miss Davenport. 20
Household Suffrage, 25, 73, 74, 81
Howard, Mr. G., Adult Suffrage Bill, 1909, 70

Iddesleigh, Lord. See Northcote
Indian Mutiny, 14
Infants' Custody Act, 12
Insurance Bill, the, 57
Isle of Man, Women's Suffrage in, 25

James, Lord, on Corrupt Practices Act, 29, 30
—— on Women's Suffrage, 49, 50
Jameson, Mrs., 12

Kemp, Sir George, Conciliation Bill (1911) introduced by, 24, 77, 85
Knight, Anne, 13

Labouchere, Mr., attitude to Suffrage Bills, 34
Langton, Lady Anna Gore, 20
Leavitt, Mrs., 37
Lees, Mrs., 51
Lloyd George, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 69, 75, 81
Local Government Qualification of Women's Act, 1907, 49, 50
Lyne, Sir Villiam, on Women's Suffrage, 42
Lytton, Earl of, 7 n, 73, 78, 85

MacDonald, Mr. Ramsay, 80, 81
M'Laren, Mrs. Duncan, 22
McLaren, Mr. Walter, 26
Manchester Guardian, The, on Women's Suffrage, 79
Manhood Suffrage Bill, 1912, 78-82
Markham, Miss Violet, 50, 51
Married Women's Property Act, 22, 23
Martineau, Harriet, 20
Medical profession opened to women, 22
Militant Societies, the, 58
—— election policy of, 67

Mill, James, on Women's Suffrage, 6, 7, 15
Mill, John Stuart, on enfranchisement of women, 16, 17, 19
—— and Women's Parliamentary Petition, 20
—— Women's Suffrage Amendment Bill, 19, 20, 23
Mill, Mrs. John Stuart, on Enfranchisement of Women, 16, 17
Morley, Viscount, 26, 27, 62
Mott, Lucretia, 14
Müller, Mrs., 37
Municipal Corporation Act, 1835, 9
Municipal suffrage, 9, 20, 48
—— Anti-Suffragist support of, 47

National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 21, 22, 62, 81, 85
—— election policy, of 67
—— protests against militant tactics, 63
National Women's Liberal Association, 31
New Zealand, Women's Suffrage in, 35, 36, 37, 89
—— electoral roll of, 41
Nightingale, Miss Florence, 14, 20
Northcote, Sir Stafford, 24
Norton, Hon. Mrs., 11, 12
Norway, Women's Suffrage in, 51, 59, 89

Pankhurst, Dr., 10
Pankhurst, Mrs. and Miss, 60
People's Suffrage Federation, 78, 87
Peterloo Massacre, the, 7
Petitions from Town Councils, 55, 88
Pochin, Mrs., 22
Poor Law Guardians, qualifications of, 50
Primrose League, the, 5, 30
Public meetings and demonstrations, 76, 86

Rathbone, Miss Eleanor, 51
Reeves, W. P., on Women's Suffrage, 38
Reform Acts, exclusion of females, 9
Reform Bill, 1832 and 1867, 6, 7, 9
—— 1884, 27-29
—— 1912, 78-82
Rollit, Sir A., Women's Suffrage Bill (1892) introduced by, 33, 34
Royal Astronomical Society, women members of, 12
Runciman, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 76

School Boards, women members of, 20, 21
Seddon, Mr. Richard, 37
Serjeant Talfourd's Act, 1839, 12
Shackleton, Mr., Conciliation Bill, 1910, 55, 75, 85
Shaw, Dr. Anna, 82
Shaw, Mrs. Bernard, on Reform Suffrage Bill, 1912, 79
Sheffield Female Political Association, 13
Sherriff, Miss, 22
Sidgwick, Henry, 22
Smith, Mr. Goldwin, 35, 39
Smith, Sydney, on education for women, 6
Societies, Suffrage, 87
South African War, the, 58, 59, 60
Somerville, Mrs., 12, 20
Stanfield, Sir James, 22
Stanger, Mr., Women's Suffrage Bill (1908) introduced by, 70
Stanhope, Mrs. Spencer, quoted, 9
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 14
Stevenson, Miss Flora, 21
Stuart, Mr. James, 22
Suffrage Societies, 85, 87
Swanwick, Miss, 20

Taylor, Mrs. Peter, 20
Test Act, the, 54
Thackeray, in Esmond, on domestic tyranny, 12
Times, The, on Women's Suffrage, 77
Town Councils, petitions from, 85, 88
Town and County Councils Qualification Bill, 50, 61
Trades Union Congress (Aberdeen) and Women's Suffrage, 29
Twain, Mark, on Women's Suffrage, 65

United States, Anti-suffrage movement in, 47
—— Women's Suffrage in, 14, 35, 89
University education opened to women, 22
Unwin, Mrs. Cobden, 27

Voters' Petition, the, 1910, 72

Walpole, Horace, on Mary Wollstonecraft, 5
Ward, Mrs. Humphry, on Women's Suffrage, 35, 44, 50, 51
—— on Conciliation Bill, 1911, 74
—— on representation in local government, 48, 49
—— political activity of, 56
Webb, Mrs. Sidney, 44
Wheeler, Mrs., on Women's Suffrage, 7
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 5, 6
Women, in local government, 49
—— as members of School Boards, 21
—— as municipal voters, 9, 20
—— as Poor Law Guardians, 50
—— political activity of, 13, 30, 31, 32, 56, 57
Women's Freedom League, 63
Women's Liberal Federation, 30, 31, 78
—— and Conciliation Bill, 74
Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, U.S.A., 14
Women's Social and Political Union, 60
—— election policy of, 67
Women's Suffrage, arguments against, 34
—— beginnings of, 5
—— Conservative objections to, 73
—— not a party question, 23, 73, 82
—— support of, 24
—— historical aspect of, 8
—— in Greater Britain, 34
—— in Isle of Man, 25
—— in other countries, 89
—— in United States, 35, 47, 89
—— Liberal objections to, 73
—— support of, 23
—— pioneers of, 5, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22
—— political aspect of, 15
—— position in 1880-1884, 25-34
—— position under Reform Bill, 1912, 78-82
—— recent developments, 69
—— resolutions and petitions in favour of, 19, 26, 84, 88
—— Societies, 21, 22, 85, 87
—— summary of movement, 84
Women's Suffrage Amendment (J. S. Mill's), 1867, 23
Women's Suffrage Amendment Bill (Mr. Woodall's), 1884, 23, 28, 29
Women's Suffrage Bill, 1870 (Mr. Jacob Bright's), 23
—— 1892 (Sir A. Rollit's), 33
—— 1897 (Mr. F. Begg's), 34, 60
—— 1908 (Mr. Stanger's), 70
—— 1910 (Mr. Shaekleton's), 55, 75, 85
—— 1911 (Sir G. Kemp's), 77, 85. See also Summary, p. 84
Woodall, Mr., Suffrage Amendment Bill (1884) introduced by, 28, 29
Wyoming, Women's Suffrage in, 35, 89