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Work-a-day Warriors/The Haggis

From Wikisource


Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,Great chieftain o' the pudding race!
A Haggis; a Haggis,An honest Scottish Haggis!Let Frenchmen make a loud to-doAbout the length o' their menu—New-fangled fricassee, ragout,And sic like dishes—Auld Scotia's simple brag isHer ancient Haggis! To me arrives a Haggis;A Haggis?—A HAGGIS!A healthy, wholesome HaggisAs ever ye did see,And writ upon the tag is:"To Sergeant Joseph Lee—Just boil it for a wee!"
Ah well kenn'd I wha made it—Frae the foundation laid it—Wha packed it up, and prayed itWad in condition be—As tho' hersel' had said it—It brought me memorieO' the land sae dear to me—Land where the rock and crag is,Land where the rill and quag is,Land where the leaping stag is—Did this Scotch Haggis.
"Go out into the highways,Go out into the byways,"Quo' I in muckle glee,"Go into ilka billet— The fatted calf is kille't—And say that so we will it—Compel them come and preeThe big and buirdly HaggisThat's been sent out to me!""Losh, but I'll sound the slogan!"Cried souple Stievie Logan,And aff at aince set he.
The Haggis; THE Haggis,Yes, let us to the Haggis—Pegasus, my nag isInclined to need the spur—We passed it for inspection,Then in the potTill it was hot—O, glorious resurrection!
The Haggis, the Haggis;Wull Wright an unco' wag is,And he cried out wi' passion,"The smell itsel'Might very wellServe for a sodger's ration!" Now quick the Cook arrays it,And in the Piper plays it;Ye never heard siccan a din,The billet roof comes tumblin' in.(I dinna ken wha pays itThat's quite anither story.)Dan gi'es us "Scotland's Glory";His ruddy cheeks are outward blawn,His neb is cocked, his neck is thrawn,He blaws until his bag isAs big's our muckle Haggis!
Behind him, Billy Milne, elate,Bears the great chieftain on a plate,Advancing and retiring—Like the Haggis' sel' perspiring—Wi' many a step frae many a danceUnknown in the salons o' France.Now, round and round the room they goFor it is seemly even so;At last amidst the babelThe Haggis takes the table! The guests await, the Grace is said,Then the proud host outdraws his blade:"A British bayonet's jag isThe best for Hun or Haggis!Wi' that he straightway falls on itAnd gi'es the Haggis sic a slit;The whereupon, entrancing sight,The hidden glories come to light—"Advance, attack, each valiant wight,And make good play wi' fork and spoon,The Devil take the hindmost done—The first to fail or flag isNo' worthy o' a Haggis!"
No need to force a Scotsman goTo find a friend or fight a foe,And swiftly at that given wordThey fall on it wi' one accord,Wi' spoon and gully-knife and forkThey make the shortest o' short work—There's ne'er been sic a stabbin'Since our boys took the Schwaben!They hack and hew that HaggisTill a' that's left a rag is! And when they've worked their will o't,And when they've ate their fill o't,Mair nor ae chield can scarcely drag hisSel' frae that feast o' Haggis!
A Haggis, a Haggis,An honest, homely Haggis!—Land where the riven crag is,Land where the leaping stag is,Thy proudest boast and brag isThy ancient Haggis!