Yawcob Strauss and Other Poems/A Tale of a Nose
- Twas a hard case, that which happened in Lynn.
- Haven't heard of it, eh ? Well then, to begin,
- There's a Jew down there whom they call " Old Mose,"
- Who travels about, and buys old clothes.
- Now Mose — which the same is short for Moses —
- Had one of the biggest kind of noses:
- It had a sort of an instep in it,
- And he fed it with snuff about once a minute.
- One day he got in a bit of a row
- With a German chap who had kissed his frau,
- And, trying to punch him a la Mace,
- Had his nose cut off close up to his face.
- He picked it up from off the ground,
- And quickly back in its place 'twas bound,
- Keeping the bandage upon his face
- Until it had fairly healed in place.
- Alas for Mose! 'Twas a sad mistake
- Which he in his haste that day did make;
- For, to add still more to his bitter cup,
- He found he had placed it wrong side up.
- "There's no great loss without some gain;"
- And Moses says, in a jocular vein,
- He arranged it so for taking snuff,
- As he never before could get enough.
- One thing, by the way, he forgets to add,
- Which makes the arrangement rather bad:
- Although he can take his snuff with ease,
- He has to stand on his head to sneeze!