Yawcob Strauss and Other Poems/Hans and Fritz
- Hans and Fritz were two Deutschers who lived side by side,
- Remote from the world, its deceit and its pride:
- With their pretzels and beer the spare moments were spent,
- And the fruits of their labor were peace and content.
- Hans purchased a horse of a neighbor one day,
- And, lacking a part of the Geld, — as they say, —
- Made a call upon Fritz to solicit a loan
- To help him to pay for his beautiful roan.
- Fritz kindly consented the money to lend,
- And gave the required amount to his friend;
- Remarking,—his own simple language to quote,—
- "Berhaps it vas bedder ve make us a note."
- The note was drawn up in their primitive way, —
- "I, Hans, gets from Fritz feefty tollars to-day;"
- When the question arose, the note being made,
- "Vich von holds dot baper until it vas baid?"
- "You geeps dot," says Fritz, "und den you vill know
- You owes me dot money." Says Hans, "Dot ish so:
- Dot makes me remempers I haf dot to bay,
- Und I prings you der note und der money some day."
- A month had expired, when Hans, as agreed,
- Paid back the amount, and from debt he was freed.
- Says Fritz, " Now dot settles us." Hans replies,
- "Yaw: Now who dakes dot baper accordings by law ?"
- "I geeps dot now, aind't it?" says Fritz ; " den, you see,
- I alvays remempers you baid dot to me."
- Says Hans, "Dot ish so: it vas now shust so blain,
- Dot I knows vot to do ven I porrows again."