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Zinzendorff and Other Poems/The Christian going Home

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4041281Zinzendorff and Other PoemsThe Christian going Home1836Lydia Huntley Sigourney


Occasioned by the words of a dying friend,—"before morning I shall be at home."

Home! Home! its glorious threshhold
Through parted clouds I see,
Those mansions by a Saviour bought,
Where I have long'd to be,
And lo! a bright unnumber'd host
O'erspread the heavenly plain,
Not one is silent—every harp
Doth swell the adoring strain.

Fain would my soul be praising
Amid that sinless throng,
Fain would my voice be raising
Their everlasting song,—
Hark! Hark! they bid me hasten
To leave the fainting clay,
Friends! hear ye not the welcome sound?
"Arise, and come away."

Before the dawn of morning
These lower skies shall light,
I shall have joined their company
Above this realm of night,

Give thanks, my mourning dear ones,
Thanks to the Eternal King,
Who crowns my soul with victory
And plucks from Death his sting.