Zion's Watch Tower/Volume 9/Number 2/Extract from an Interesting Letter
Chefoo, China.
My Dear Mrs. Russell:—Many thanks for your kind letter, and for the copies of Millennial Dawn and the Watch Towers. It is such a comfort to know that Jesus calls us his "friends" and is making known to us "all things that he heard from his Father." (John 15:15.) In the far away days of my youth, and the not so far away days of my orthodoxy I thought I knew it all, but now I see how blindly I read my Bible. And how I thank God for having compassion on me, and touching my eyes, and giving me sight. May I follow Him as did those of old whose eyes were opened.
I am giving away and lending my copies of Millennial Dawn and my papers, and any time you can send me extra copies of the Watch Tower I can use them to advantage. I expect to see a good many missionaries from other parts of the country during the summer, as this is a health resort, and I shall scatter my Towers, and lend Millennial Dawns. The last bound copy I gave away before taking the wrapper off.
Wishing you abundant success in your efforts to spread "the everlasting gospel," the "good tidings which shall be to all the people." I remain Yours in Christ, C. B. D.———.