Zoological Illustrations/VolI-Pl46
BULIMUS citrinus.
Citron Bulimus.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 4.
Specific Character.
- B. testâ obovatâ; spirâ conicâ, in medio sub-crassatâ, aperturâ longiore: spirâ anfractibus 6 in suturam depressis; labio exteriore basi subcontracto; umbilico subclauso.
- Shell obovate; spire conic, slightly thickened in the middle, longer than the aperture, and of six volutions depressed on the suture; outer-lip slightly contracted at the base; umbilicus nearly closed.
- Bulimus citrinus, var. B. Bruguiere Encycl. Meth. 314. no. 27.
- Martini 9. tab. 110. fig. 930.
This variable species is perhaps the most beautiful and delicate in its colouring of all the terrestrial snails; yet, although figured by several of the older writers, so little justice has been done it, that we make no apology for introducing it into the present work, both on this account, and for the purpose of giving such a discriminative specific character as may lead to the inquiry, how far all the numerous varieties mentioned by authors really belong to this species or not. As far as my own observation goes, I have found that the thickened spire, the depression of the whorls on the suture, and the narrowness or contraction of the mouth at the base, afford the only constant characters; for, in regard to colour and the situation of the mouth, both appear subject to great variation, the latter being as often reversed as regular. Martini's is the only figure that can be safely quoted for this variety.
I am indebted to Mrs. Bolton, of Storr's-hall, Windermere, for the loan of this and several other rare shells: it formerly belonged to Mr. Jennings, and appears an old shell, being heavy in proportion, the umbilicus thickly closed up, and the outer-lip very thick. Another I have seen at Mrs. Mawe's, and one is in the British Museum: but the finest specimen in colour and preservation is in the possession of my friend W. J. Broderip, Esq., of Lincoln's-Inn: from this it seems the spiral whorls are finely and delicately marked by transverse elevated striæ, while those on the basal volution are striated transversely, though in a less regular manner.
Bruguiere mentions that this species is generally found in the South American islands, Cayenne, and Guiana.
Mr. Dillwyn has given the new name of aurea to this shell, in addition to the five others under which different authors have described it. Such changing of names and multiplication of synonyms, without strong reasons, are very objectionable. I have retained that of Bruguiere, as being the only author who has placed it in its proper genus.