Zoological Illustrations/VolI-Pl62
PSITTACUS discolor.
Red-shouldered Parakeet.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 1.
Specific Character.
- P. viridis; fronte, mento, tegminibus inferioribus, maculâ cervicali, lateribus et scapularibus coccineis; humeris puniceis; vertice, tegminibus exterioribus remigibusque violaceis; rectricibus fulvo marginatis.
- P. Green; front, chin, under wing-covers, and spots in the neck, flanks and scapulars crimson; shoulders dark-red; crown, external wing-covers, and lateral tail-feathers violet-blue; quills blueish-black margined with yellow.
- P. discolor. Red-shouldered Parakeet. White's Voyage, pl. at p. 263.
- La Perruche Banks. Le Vaill, pl. 50.
This is another of the splendid little Parakeets inhabiting the forests of New Holland; and vivid as the colouring may appear in our figure, it sinks into dullness when compared with the bird itself. Dr. Shaw was the first who described it in White's Voyage to New South Wales, where it is badly represented. It has been since figured by Le Vaillant, probably from a female or imperfect specimen, as the tail is represented by far too short, and the colours not quite agreeing with that in my collection.
Total length eleven inches. The upper plumage bright green, tinged with blue on the sides of the neck, lighter and yellowish beneath; the crown of the head sapphire or violet-blue, with a crimson belt in front, and a large patch of the same round the chin; paler spots of this colour are also in front of the neck, breast, flanks, and under tail-covers; the under wing-covers are deep crimson, as well as the inner shafts of some of the lesser covers outside; the shoulders dark blood-colour; the outer wing-covers deep-blue on the margin of the wings, gradually changing to a vivid blue, which blends with the green. Quills black glossed with violet, margined externally and internally with yellow. Tail near five inches long, the middle feathers dark rufous tipped with blueish; the rest more or less rufous at the base, and shining blue beyond. Bill and legs pale.