Zoological Illustrations/VolI-Pl66
MITRA lugubris.
White-banded Mitre.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 23.
Specific Character.
- M. testâ inversè pyriformi, fuscâ; sulcis transversis intus punctatis; anfractibus supernè obsoletè plicatis, fasciâque albâ ornatis; labio exteriore tenui, margine crenatâ; columellâ 4-plicatâ; basi albâ, truncatâ.
- Shell inversely pear-shaped, brown, with transverse sulcated grooves, punctured within; volutions above obsoletely plaited and banded with white; outer-lip thin, margin crenated; pillar four-plaited; base white, truncated.
We have had much difficulty in the investigation of this species: for its characters cannot be reconciled with any of those contained in Lamarck's Monograph of the genus in the Annales du Museum. With regard to the unnamed figures in the old authors, it bears the closest resemblance to that of Gualtieri, tab. 32. G, which Lamarck quotes for his M. crocata; but then his description is not at all applicable to our shell; and Mr. Dillwyn's synonyms of the Linnean V. nodulosa (where he has also included M. crocata), we are satisfied comprises two or even three distinct shells.
This was named by Dr. Solander from the specimen in Mr. G. Humphrys's collection here figured: it is exceedingly rare, and its locality unknown. In form it resembles a Buccinum; the transverse grooves are broad, strongly defined, and have large and deep excavated dots within them; the upper part of each whorl has an appearance of irregular plaits, which makes the suture uneven, and takes off something from the smoothness of the lower part of the whorls, but the shell is in no way granulated.
MITRA ferruginea.
Thick-lipped Mitre.
Specific Character.
- M. testâ nubilâ, maculisque ferrugineis interstinctâ; costis transversis, elevatis; labio exteriore crasso, obtusè crenato; columellâ 4-plicatâ.
- Shell clouded and spotted with ferrugineous, with transverse elevated ribs; outer lip thick, obtusely crenated; pillar four-plaited.
- M. ferruginea. Lam. Ann. du Mus. vol. 17. p. 200.
- Young.. Vol. vitulina. Dill. 553.—Martini 4. 149. 1380 & 1.
- Variety more elongated. Vol. abbatis. Dill. 557. Chemnitz 11. t. 177. 1709 & 10.
This (a common shell) can be no other than the M. ferruginea of Lamarck, though neither that author nor any other has noticed its primary distinguishing character, that of the uncommon thickness of the outer lip at the margin, which is also divided into convex obtuse crenations; in young shells this is not apparent; such is Martini's figure. Mr. Dillwyn has changed Lamarck's name to Vitulina for this, and given the name of Abbatis to the variety more lengthened, figured by Chemnitz; but which, from specimens now before us, we consider with Lamarck only as a variety, possessing all the essential characters here given to both.