Zoological Illustrations/VolII-Pl109
PAPILIO Harrisianus.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 92.
Specific Character.
- P. (Troj. caud.) Alis atris, subtùs maculis basalibus coccineis notatis, anticis suprà maculo coccineo basali fasciâque albâ, posticis obtusè caudatis fasciâ marginali maculis coccineis sex insigni, fasciâque mediâ albâ ornatis.
- Pap. (Troj. caud.) Wings black; anterior above with a red basal spot and white band; posterior obtusely tailed, with a marginal band of six crimson spots, and central white spot.
I can find neither figure nor description of this very rare Papilio. It does not accord with any contained in MM. Latreille's and Godart's recent monograph of the genus. It was purchased at the sale of the late Mr. Francillon's cabinet, by N. A. Vigors, Esq., whose valuable collections in every branch of Zoology are always open to the scientific inquirer. It is nearly allied to Pap. Tros, Agavus, Ascarius, and Lysithoüs (Godart), particularly to the latter; yet it is obviously distinct from either. These affinities lead me to think that it is a South American insect. The figures will render any addition to the specific character unnecessary.
I have named this insect to commemorate a most assiduous and observing entomologist of the last age, Moses Harris, whose memory will be long cherished by our Aurelians, and to whom the scientific are indebted for the very accurate and excellent figures contained both in his own works, and in those of Drury; indeed, he appears the only English artist who has faithfully represented the short and nearly concealed palpi peculiar to this genus. The son of this excellent artist[1], still follows the profession of his father, and, inheriting his abilities, deserves every encouragement that the small circle of English entomologists, as well as others, can give him.
- ↑ Mr. Moses Harris, artist, 28, Mansion-House Street, Kensington.