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Zoological Illustrations/VolII-Pl68

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Zoological Illustrations
William Swainson
Vol I. Pl. 68. Pogonias rubrifrons. Red-fronted Toothbill.
1313917Zoological Illustrations — Vol I. Pl. 68. Pogonias rubrifrons. Red-fronted Toothbill.William Swainson

POGONIAS rubrifrons,

Red-fronted Toothbill.

Generic Character.

Rostrum mediocre, crassum, validum, basi latiore quam altiore, vibrissis longis incumbentibus tectâ, lateribus ultra basin compressis, culmine arcuato, subcarinato; mandibulæ superioris margine dentibus 1 vel 2 armato, mandibulæ inferioris marginem obtegente. Nares approximantes, parvæ, rotundæ, per rostri basin perforatæ. Pedes scansorii, digitis posticis versatilibus.

Typus Genericus Bucco Dubius Lath.

Bill moderate, thick, strong, the base broader than high, with long incumbent bristles, the sides beyond compressed, the top arched, and slightly carinated; upper mandible with one or two strong teeth on each side, the margin folding over that of the lower mandible; nostrils approximating, small, round, perforated through the base of the bill. Feet scansorial. Hind toe versatile.

Generic Type Doubtful Barbut Lath.

Specific Character.

P. niger; sincipite juguloque rubris; alis et caudâ fuscis; tegminum margine externo albo, remigum fulvo.
Glossy black; forepart of the head and throat red; wings and tail brown; external margin of the covers white, and of the quills yellow.

The Linnæan Barbuts, comprehended by Latham under one genus, contain three distinct groups of birds; which, from their peculiar characters, no less than their geographic position, have now received generic distinctions. The first of these (which are still retained under the old genus,) are natives of Asia; the next in affinity were first characterized by Illiger under the name of Pogonias, and are distributed on the African continent; while the prototype genus in America is Tamatia (Cuvier), in which continent not any of the two preceding have been found: thus each quarter of the globe lying within the tropics have their corresponding groups of a family, possessing a general, but at the same time an individuality of character.

I am obliged to Mr. Leadbeater for the opportunity of figuring this new and rare species, which he believes to have come from Sierra Leone. Its total length was six inches; the under-covers of the wings white; the tail two inches long, the feathers broad and even.