Zoological Illustrations/VolII-Pl74
ACHATINA fasciata,
Chesnut-banded Achatina.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 30.
Specific Character.
- A. testâ albâ fasciis latis lineisque castaneis ornatâ; spirâ elongatâ, crassescente; labio interiore semi-circulari, intus depresso; columellâ truncatâ, emarginatâ.
- Shell white, with broad chesnut bands and lines; spire elongated, thickened; inner lip semi-circular, depressed within; columella truncated, emarginate.
- Bulla fasciata. Gmelin 3430, 25. Martini 9. tab. 117, 1004 to 6.
- Lister 12, 7. Seba, tab. 39. fig. 62 to 74. Gualtieri, tab. 6. fig. C.
Having figured two or three species allied to this shell, it appears advisable to subjoin a more particular notice of it, and to point out those characters by which it may be detected through its numerous variations: this has been endeavoured in the specific character now formed, and appears to rest principally on the inner lip, which is always semicircular, down which, if closely examined inside, there is a depression as if it had been pared down with a knife; the base of the pillar also is so strongly truncated as to appear notched, and the broadest part of the mouth is always in the middle; these characters have been very ill attended to in all the figures above quoted, of which Seba gives no less than eleven, which vary only in the disposition and number of their bands.
Gualtieri's figure at tab. 6. fig. D, is an admirable representation of A. pallida, which, not having his work before me at the time, I could not quote; the other at C is a very good one of the present shell. The upper drawing is from one in my own cabinet; the lower is in the possession of Mr. C. Dubois, who is continually adding to his fine and valuable collection.
It is almost unnecessary to contradict the opinion of some writers who have fancied this a fresh-water shell. It is not uncommon, but seldom seen in perfection.