Zoological Illustrations/VolII-Pl86
CONUS Princeps,
Prince Cone.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 65.
Specific Character.
- C. conicus, coronatus, roseus; lineis fusco-purpureis longitudinalibus subramosis; spirâ convexâ.—Lamarck.
- Coronated Cone, rosy, with brownish purple longitudinal lines, which are sometimes branched; spire convex.—Lamarck.
- Conus Princeps. Gmelin. 3378. (omitting var. β and γ.) Turton. 4. 313. (omitting var. 2. and 3.)
- Conus regius. Martini, vol. x. pl. 138. fig. 1276. Brug. no. 12. Ency. Meth. pl. 318. fig. 3. Lamarck, Ann. du Mus. p. 31. no. 10.
The Cones are remarkable both for their beauty and the very high value attached to many of the varieties. They are likewise a very numerous family, and, with three or four exceptions, are all inhabitants of tropical latitudes, particularly the Indian Ocean. Bruguière and Lamarck have each written very able descriptions of the species, of which the latter enumerates 179 recent, and 9 found only in a fossil state.
This is a shell of great rarity and beauty. Dead and injured specimens are often seen, in which the deep reddish brown colour is bleached to a pale rose, and the base worn round. Of the live shell I have never seen more than two or three; and the finest of these is here figured from Mr. Dubois' cabinet: it is a native of the Asiatic Ocean.
I see no reason why the original name of Linnæus for this shell should have been changed, although, under it, he has evidently included other species quite distinct; (his var. β being C. ebræus): indeed, it too often happens, that in making those alterations absolutely necessary in the present state of the science, the spirit of innovation oversteps the justice due to those, whose labours first laid the foundation of our own knowledge.