Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl122
ACHATINA virginea, var.
Common Striped Achatina, var. 2 and 3.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 30.
Specific Character.
- A. testâ elongatâ, fasciis numerosis nigris, viridibus et flavis ornatâ; anfractûs basalis latitudine altitudinem superante; aperturâ rotundatâ; labio exteriore integro; basi profundè emarginatâ.
- Var. 2. testâ fasciis fuscis ornatâ; labio interiore albo.
- Var. 3. testâ fasciis rufis ornatâ; labio interiore roseo.
- Shell elongated, with crowded bands of black, green, and yellow; basal volution broader than high; aperture rounded; outer lip entire; base deeply notched.
- Bulla virginea. Gm. 3429. Chemnitz, 9. t. 117. f. 1000, 1. Dill. 491.
- Bulimus virgineus. Brug. p. 363.—Lister, 15. 10. Seba, t. 40. f. 38. Ferrusac, pl. 120. f. 3, 4, 5.
- Var. 2. Shell banded with brown; inner lip white. Ferrusac, t. 120. f. 2.
- Var. 3. Shell banded with rufous; inner lip rosy. Chemnitz, 10. 173. f. 1682, 1683, (reversed.)
The shell generally known as the Ach. virginea (Bulla virginea Lin.) is so common, that few collectors do not possess it. The varieties, however, of this species are rare, and differ so remarkably in their colouring, as to require illustration. Several kindred species of this family I have already described; and on the same principle of establishing specific distinctions from formation instead of colour, I shall now endeavour to point out those characters which are common, more or less, to all the varieties of this species, and which distinguish it from its allies. A. virginea may be known by the comparative shortness of the basal whorl, which in general is broader than high; the margin of the outer lip is entire, and sloping in an oblique direction; the aperture is wide, and nearly round; the lower part of the columella takes a concave direction, and between its base and that of the outer lip is a very deep notch. The basal whorl is so broad that the shell, if placed on a table with its mouth downwards, will remain erect.
Both these and the two next varieties are in Mr. Dubois' cabinet. Their locality is unknown; but my young friend, Mr. Frederick Parkes, has recently sent me shells of the common variety, found by himself near Kingston, Jamaica.