Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl132
Upper figure
Generic Character.—See Pl. 64.
Specific Character.
- M. alis nigris, anticis fasciis 2 hyalinè maculatis ornatis; abdominis nigri, segmento tertio niveo.
- Wings black, anterior with two bands of hyaline spots; abdomen black, the third segment snowy.
An elegant insect; so closely allied to Sphinx Tantalus, Lin. (Drury, v. 1. pl. 26. f. 5.) as to excite a doubt if it should be considered as a separate species. Drury's figure and description, however, of that insect, induce me to think they are most probably distinct. S. Tantalus is without the two bands of hyaline spots, and is much smaller in size.
In this insect are three small, white, snowy dots, on the sides of the lower segments of the abdomen, and the same beneath: the anal segment is grey; with the margin, and spot in the middle, black. Inhabits Brazil, but is a rare insect.
Lower figure.
- M. alis nigricantibus, anticis fusco variis, posticis strigâ aurantiacâ centrali ornatis; thorace griseâ; corporis lateribus, maculis aurantiacis, nigris et pallidè fulvis insignibus; antennis gracilibus; unco producto.
- Wings blackish, anterior variegated with brown, posterior with a central orange stripe; thorax grey, sides of the body with orange, black, and pale yellow spots; antennæ slender, hook lengthened.
- Sphinx ceculus. Cramer, pl. 146. f. G.
This is another Brazilian species, much more frequent than the last. In Cramer, at pl. 146, g. is figured an insect under the name of Ceculus, which no author appears to have quoted; but which (miserably inaccurate as it is), I have no doubt the artist intended as a representation of this insect; particularly as Cramer's description, though short, is very applicable. The colours beneath are uniform dark brown; the thorax, legs, and base of the wings, whitish; near the exterior margin of the superior wings is a small white dot, and two others on each side of the middle segments of the body.