Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl148
EMBERIZA cristata,
Crested Bunting.
Generic Character.
- Rostrum breve, conicum, compressum, basi aliquatenus hians, mandibulâ superiore inflexâ, inferiore superiorem magnitudine superantem. Nares basales, rotundi, basi plumulis obtectâ. Pedes sedentes, digitis tribus anticis basi divisis, halluce plerumque brevi, curvo, aliquando recto.
- Ob. Remigum pennâ primâ brevi, secundâ tertiâque longissimis.
- Bill short, strong, conic, compressed; the base slightly gaping; upper mandible inflexed; under mandible largest. Nostrils basal, round, covered at the base by small feathers. Feet sitting, the three anterior toes divided at the base; the hind claw in general short and curved, in some species straight.
- Ob. The first quill of the wings shorter than the second and third, which are the longest.
- Generic Types (Temminck) i. Emb. citrinella. miliaria Lin. ii. Em. nivalis. Fring. Lapponica.
Specific Character.
- E. olivacea, infrà flavescens; capite cristato; jugulo nigro; strigâ oculari, scapulis rectricibusque lateralibus flavis.
- Olive, beneath yellowish, head crested; throat black; eye stripe, shoulders, and lateral tail feathers, yellow.
The elegant crest of narrow-pointed feathers on the head of this new bird, at once distinguishes it from all others of the same family. Mr. Brookes favoured me with the individual here described; it was purchased alive at one of the Brazilian ports; but I strongly suspect it had been first brought from Africa, by some one of the slave ships. The figure is of the natural size; down the shaft of each feather on the back is a black line; the tail is rather long, and even; the two middle feathers black; the rest pure yellow, with black shafts, and brown exterior terminal margins; the upper mandible of the bill is sinuated; the base not gaping, but with a few incumbent bristles.
I have taken the authority of Professor Temminck for the accuracy of the generic types of this genus under its present modification.