Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl153
STROMBUS lobatus,
Lobed, or Brindled Strombus.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 10.
Specific Character.
- S. testâ nodulosâ; spirâ brevi, inermi; labio exteriore suprâ repando, bilobo, margine crasso, reflexo; aperturâ lævi, rubescente; canale brevi.
- Shell nodulous; spire short, unarmed; outer lip above spreading, two-lobed, margin thick, reflected; aperture smooth, reddish; channel short.
- Seba, tab. 62. f. 4. 5. (optimè) 9. 12. 14. 15. 27. tab. 63. f. 6. Mart. 3. tab. 83. f. 836, 837. Gualt. tab. 32. f. F. Knorr 3. tab. 11. f. 1-6. tab. 29. f. 8.
- Strombus Gallus, (β) Gmelin, 3511. 11. S. Raninus, Gmelin, 3511. 10.
- S. bituberculatus, Lam. Syst. 7. p. 202. 6
It will appear extraordinary, that this very common shell should have been unknown to Linnæus; and still more, that no other systematic writer should have noticed it, excepting Gmelin, by whom it is placed as a variety of S. gallus, although his S. raninus is obviously made from a bad figure in Knorr of this same shell. On referring to Mr. Dillwyn's account of S. gallus, I find all the references of Gmelin to this shell expunged; and a note at the head of the genus states, that S. raninus is undeserving of notice; thus every trace of the shell, in this work, is altogether lost.
The two lobes at the top of the outer lip form a strong and peculiar distinction of this species: the colour of the mouth is variable; though usually tinged with pink, it is often reddish, or red blended with yellow, and sometimes nearly white; within the upper part of the aperture, round the inner lip, are one or two strong plaits, with sulcated grooves on each side; and near the lobe at the base of the outer lip, the aperture has a few obsolete striæ: the nodules on the body whorl are triangular, and the two nearest the lip are, in general, very large: the channel (or base) is short, and turned up in an oblique direction.
Found, in great abundance, in various parts of the West India seas.