Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl158
PINNA bullata, (var.)
Rufous Pinna.
Generic Character.
- Testa longitudinalis, cuneiformis, æquivalvis, apice hians, basi acutâ; natibus rectis. Cardo lateralis, edentulus. Ligamentum marginale, lineare, prælongum subinternum.—Lamarck, Sys. vol. vi. p. i. p. 129.
- Shell longitudinal, wedge-shaped, equivalve, the valves gaping; the umbones straight, pointed. Hinge lateral, without teeth. Ligament marginal, linear, very long, subinternal.
- Generic Types. Pinnæ rudis. Pectinata. Muricata. Linn. Pennant, &c.
Specific Character.
- P. testâ tenui, pellucidâ, rufâ, æquilaterâ, striis remotis, sulcatis, transversim squamiferis, subspinosis; marginibus lateralibus rectis; margine inferiore obliquè truncato.
- Shell thin, pellucid, rufous, equilateral, with remote sulcated striæ, crossed by transverse scales and obtuse spines; lateral margins straight; inferior margin obliquely truncate.
- P. bullata. Gmelin, p. 3367. Gualt. tab. 79. f. c. Chemnitz. 8. tab. 87. f. 769. Knorr, 2. 23. f. 1.
- P. marginata. Lam. Sys. 6. p. 132. 7.
I have little doubt that this shell is a smooth variety of the Pinna bullata of Gmelin, and the P. marginata of Lamarck; both these authors refer to the same figure in Gualtieri, but both also have overlooked that of Chemnitz, above quoted, as well as Knorr's, which latter, although it represents the shell nearly smooth (similar to that here figured), I apprehend is only a variety. No doubt therefore having existed as to Gmelin's bullata, M. Lamarck had no plea for altering its specific name to marginata. I have consequently recorded it under Gmelin's name.
The Pinnæ are rather numerous, although many of the species remain in obscurity; they attach themselves to rocks, deep in the sea, by a silky byssus. It has been commonly stated, that gloves and stockings are fabricated in the Mediterranean from this byssus, as articles of commerce; such, however, is not now the case; though articles, so fabricated, are sometimes shown in Naples and Sicily as subjects of curiosity.
Pinna bullata is, I believe, found in the West Indies. The vaulted spires on this and other species, easily fall off; and become, therefore, a very uncertain specific character.