Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl169
Green Aracari, (male.)
Generic Character.—See Pl. 44.
Specific Character.
- P. nigro virescens; capite juguloque nigris, fœminæ castaneis; corpore flavo; rostro serrato, tomiis albis, mandibulâ superiore aurantiacâ, lineâ longitudinali, laterali, mediâ, nigrâ, mandibulâ inferiore cæruleâ.
- Blackish green; head and neck black (in the female chesnut), body yellow; bill toothed, the margins white, upper mandible orange, with a black longitudinal line; lower mandible blue.
- Ramphastos viridis. Linn. Gmelin, 1. p. 353. Lath. Ind. Orn. 1. 138. Gen. Zool. 8. 2. p. 370.
- Green Toucan. Lath. Syn. 1. 331.
- Tucana Cayanensis viridis. Briss. Ois. 4. 423. pl. 33. f. 1. Id. Orn. 2. 162. Pl. Enl. 727. mas. 728. fœm.
This is a common bird, known to the older ornithologists; but here introduced, for the purpose of representing the vivid colours which ornament the bill of the live bird: the figures likewise above referred to are so very loosely drawn, that a more correct representation of the species appeared desirable. A remarkable character pervades all the Aracaris, (with the exception of P. sulcatus, pl. 44,) the head and throat being black in the male, and chesnut or grey in the female birds; the bills also of the latter are always the smallest; that of the Green Aracari is larger, thicker, and more curved than in any other species; the serratures strong and unequal; the top, and upper half of the superior mandible, pure yellow; the lower half orange; these colours being divided by a slender isolated black line; the under mandible blue, with the base rosy; its general plumage bears a resemblance to several other species. Dr. Latham says the orbits are yellow; this, however, is a mistake, for both the orbits and irides are grass-green; this writer likewise refers to Edwards, pl. 329, for this bird; which plate, in fact, represents a Toucan, and is that bird which I have described and figured under the name of R. carinatus, pl. 45.
I believe this species is confined to the northern parts of South America. Mr. Charles Edmonston brought home fine specimens from Demerara; they were preserved with so much skill, that the colours of the bill almost retained their primitive brightness; Le Vaillant, I believe, has figured this bird; but I have not, at this time, access to his valuable book.