Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl178
BUCEROS coronatus,
Coronated Hornbill.
Generic Character.
- Rostrum elongatum, crassum, inane, deflexum, marginibus obtusè crenatis, epithemate inani, formâ vario, in mandibulam superiorem imposito. Nares basales, ovatæ, (lingua brevis, angusta, acuta. Illiger.) Pedes gressorii.
- Bill elongated, thick, hollow, deflexed, the margins obtusely crenated, with excrescences of various forms placed on the upper mandible. Nostrils basal, oval. Tongue short, narrow, pointed. Feet gressorial.
- Generic Types. B. Rhinoceros, bicornis. Linn.
Specific Character.
- B. niger, abdomine, striâ utrinque occipitali, apiceque rectricium albis; rostro subcristato, (carinato,) rubro. Shaw.
- Black Hornbill, with the abdomen, stripe on each side of the nape, and tip of the tail white. Bill slightly crested, (carinated,) and red.
- Le Calao Couronné mâle. Le Vaill. Ois. d'Af. vol. v. p. 117. pl. 234.
- Buceros coronatus, Coronated Hornbill. Shaw in Gen. Zool. 8. p. 35.
The bills of these birds present a more uncouth appearance than even those of the Toucans; many species having knobs or excrescences which seem to grow out of the bill itself, and give a strange appearance to the bird. The whole tribe are natives only of the tropical parts of Africa and Asia; feeding on animal substances, either living or dead.
Le Vaillant discovered this bird in Caffraria; congregating in flocks of near 500, along with crows and vultures, over the remains of slaughtered elephants. It frequents forests, perching on high, and generally withered trees; it likewise destroys insects.
The specimen now before me is about the size of a magpie; the white collar only surrounds the back of the head, and is not well defined; the carinated process on the bill ends abruptly, and not gradually, as seen in Le Vaillant's figure; the margins are obtusely crenated, the tail even, and the two middle feathers entirely black.