Zoological Illustrations Series II/Plate 104
PROTESILAUS Swainsonius.
PROTESILAUS Swainsonius,
Swainsonian Swallow-tail.

Sub-family Papilionæ. Genus Amphrisius. Sub-genus Protesilaus. Nob.
Sub-Generic Characters.
See pl. 93.
Specific Character.
Wings pale straw-colour; anterior with a forked band near the black exterior margin, and another much shorter towards the middle, both black.
Papilio Swainsonius. Langsdorff, MS.S.
Mus. Nost.

We have searched in vain for some account of this very distinct and handsome species, collected by our venerable and enthusiastic friend Dr Langsdorff, in the interior of Brazil; and transmitted to us some years ago, in remembrance of the many happy days we passed together in the enchanting scenery of that delightful region. We have not seen the species in any of the London collections, and we believe it altogether undescribed.
The Larva and pupa are of course unknown to us, but the whole structure of the perfect insect agrees so truly with that of Protesilaus Lelius, that we have no doubt whatever of its belonging to the same sub-genus, and thus becoming an interesting addition to a group, capable of the most complete and diversified demonstration.