Zoological Illustrations Series II/Plate 115
TERACOLUS Sub-fasciatus.
TERACOLUS sub-fasciatus,
Burchells Yellow.

Family Papilionidæ. Sub-family Colianæ. Genus (?). Teracolus Nob.
Generic Characters.
Antennæ with the club abrupt, and more or less compressed anterior wings trigonal, posterior rounded; Palpi as in Colias, but the scales intermixed with hairs.
Specific Character.
Anterior wings pale yellow, with a terminal orange spot, margined externally with brown, and internally by a short black bar; areola with a black dot; posterior wings yellowish white, both beneath immaculate.

Mr. Burchell was the first who discovered this unpublished species in the interior of Southern Africa, and by his kindness we are enabled to illustrate it. His specimens, unfortunately, are not in the best condition, for he was obliged to preserve many of his insects in books; and these, having been among the number, may probably have had the antennæ more compressed than they were in nature. The form of this butterfly, nevertheless, is perfectly distinct from Colias, as may be seen by comparing the nerves of the anterior wings, here given in outline.
Not having completed our analysis of the Colianæ, we cannot speak with any confidence on the rank or the station of this type; we are inclined to believe it is a genus between those of Colias and Terias, connecting this sub-family with the Licininæ. It may, however, be one of the sub-genera of Colias, in which case the genus, which it would then represent, is unknown. Fig. 1. represents the anterior wing of Teracolus, 2, of Terias, and 3, of Colias.