Zoological Illustrations Series II/Plate 22
Yellow shouldered Oriole.
I. Cayanensis.
ICTERUS Cayanensis.
Cayenne Hangnest.

Fam. Sturnidæ.—Sub-Fam. Icterina (Nobis).
Bill lengthened, conic, acute, entire, the commissure not sinuated. Tarsi short, adapted for perching; claws strong, fully curved.

Generic Character.
Bill black; both mandibles slightly bent; nostrils furnished with a membrane; tail lengthened, graduated; wings slightly rounded. Nob.
Specific Character.
Black, not glossy; lesser wing-covers above yellow, beneath black margined by yellow; legs bluish.
Oriolus Cayanensis. Lin. 1. p. 163.
Xanthornus Cayanensis. Brisson. Orn. 2. p. 123. pl. 9. f. 2.
Carouge de St. Thomas. Pl. Enl. 535. f. 2.
Yellow-winged Pye. Edwards, pl. 322?
In Mus. Nost.

The Starlings of the old continent, are represented in America by a tribe of birds formerly denominated Orioles, but which we shall distinguish by the name of Hangnests. They are gregarious and noisy; living both upon insects, fruits, and grain. Their nests are purse-shaped, woven with great dexterity, and generally suspended from the extreme branches of lofty trees.
Much has been done to illustrate the affinities of these birds, and to define the species; but both are imperfectly known. Regarding their natural arrangement, our own views are quite at variance with the ingenious theory of Mr. Vigors; and as to the species, the bird before us is a curious example of error.
The true O. cayanensis, in the best modern systems, has been lost sight of; and, under the new name of chrysopterus (Vieil. Wagler.), has been confounded with three others, one of which is a Xanthornus, one an Icterus, and one an Agelaius! The only authentic synonyms, which can therefore be consulted for our bird, are those we have quoted.
Cassicus, Cassiculus, Xanthornus, and Icterus are the only published genera which will come within our definition of the Icterinæ.
Total length, 9 in.; bill, 1; wings, 4; tail, 41⁄10; tarsi, 8⁄10.