Zoological Illustrations Series II/Plate 85
ENDYMION regalis.
Maroon banded Hair streak.
ENDYMION regalis.
Maroon-banded Hair-streak.

Tribe Papiliones. Family, Polyommatidæ. Sub-family, Theclanæ. Nob.
Sub-Generic Character.
Palpi in one sex (male) scarcely projecting beyond the head, the last joint very minute; in the other (female) lengthened, porrect, curved downwards, the last joint as long as that which precedes it; in both obtuse and covered with close-set scales; posterior wings four tailed.
Specific Character.
Wings above shining blue: beneath golden emerald green, with a common black stripe, and a broad red band on the posterior wings; ocelli none.
Papilio regalis. Cramer. Ins. Pl. 72. f. E. F.
Hesperia Endymion. Fab. Ent. Sys. 3. 1. 268.

This superb butterfly, both in size and brilliancy of colour, may vie with the Emerald Hair-streak, and both are among the most beautiful of their family yet discovered. The general colour of the under surface is of the richest golden green; the under wings being crossed by a broad bar of deep maroon, softened into pearly white. The female is known by being the largest, and by having the black margin of the upper wings much broader. Our specimens were captured in Brazil. Lat 8. 12. S.
The palpi, which in the sub-genus Arcas are equally long and perfect in both sexes, are very different in the male and female of the present sub-genus. In other respects there seems to be a close affinity between them. We have not had time, however, to enter upon their minute dissection.