Zoological Illustrations Series II/Plate 99
1, Pica. 2, Perversa. 3, Acuta
The Bead Snails.

Class Mollusca. Order Phytophages. Lam. Sw. Genus ——?
Sub-Generic Character.
Shell oblong-conic, spiral, Columella with the base thickened and truncate, inner lip none; outer lip internally thickened; aperture without teeth. Nob.
Type Monodonta seminigra Lam.
Specific Character.
Shell trochiform, black; apex and base of the pillar white.
Monodonta semi-nigra Lam.
Achatina pica. Swains. Monog. in Brands Journal, April, 1828, p. 84.

Achatinella is a very peculiar group of land shells, found only in the Pacific Islands. They are all small, and so remarkably beautiful, that the natives use them for ornaments. It was under this form that seven different species came into our possession on the return of Captain, now Lord Byron, from his voyage to the South Seas. As the systematic conchologist will find them fully described in the Journal above quoted, we now only illustrate them by figures.

ACHATINELLA perversa, fig. 2.
Specific Character.
Shell reversed, sub-trochiform, fulvous brown with darker transverse bands and longitudinal lines; apex and suture white.
Achatinella perversa. Swains. Monog. No. 2, p. 84.
Our figures of this elegant species are somewhat larger than nature.

ACHATINELLA Acuta, Fig. 3.
Specific Character.
Shell ovate-oblong, chesnut, with a marginal fulvous band; spire somewhat lengthened, acute, the tip black.
Achatinella acuta Sw. Monog. No. 3, p. 84.
Shell somewhat pyriform, the spire being pointed, and considerably longer than the aperture: In these respects it differs considerably from the two preceding, but the great peculiarity of the twisted and truncated columella or pillar, sufficiently points it out as belonging to this group.