1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Pisani, Vettor
PISANI, VETTOR (d. 1380), Venetian admiral, was in command of the Venetian fleet in 1378 during the war against the Genoese, whom he defeated off Capo d’Anzio; subsequently he recaptured Cattaro, Sebenico and Arbe, which had been seized by the Hungarians, the allies of the Genoese. But the Genoese fleet completely defeated Pisani at Pola in May 1379, and on his return to Venice he was thrown into prison. The enemy now pressed home their victory, and besieged and captured Chioggia, whereby Venice itself was in danger. The people thereupon demanded the liberation of Pisani, in whose skill they had the fullest confidence. The government gave way and appointed the aged commander admiral of the fleet once more. Through his able strategy and daring he recaptured Chioggia, defeated the Genoese and threatened Genoa itself until that republic agreed to peace terms. Pisani died in 1380 while on his way to Manfredonia with a squadron to ship provisions.
See Vittorio Lazzarini, “La morte e il monumento di Vettor Pisani,” in the Nuovo archivio veneto, vol. xi., pt. ii. (1896).