- Morbihan
- Morcar, Earl
- Mordecai Ben Hillel
- Mordvinians
- More, Hannah
- More, Henry
- More, Sir Thomas
- Moréas, Jean
- Moreau, Gustave
- Moreau, Hégésippe
- Moreau, Jean Victor Marie
- Moreau de Saint Méry, Médéric Louis Élie
- Morecambe
- Morel
- Morelia
- Morell, John Daniel
- Morel-Ladeuil, Léonard
- Morellet, André
- Morelli, Giovanni
- Morelos
- Moresnet
- Moreton Bay Chestnut
- Moreto y Cavana, Agustin
- Moretto, Il
- Morgagni, Giovanni Battista
- Morgan, Daniel
- Morgan, Edwin Dennison
- Morgan, Sir Henry
- Morgan, John Hunt
- Morgan, John Pierpont
- Morgan, Lewis Henry
- Morgan, Sydney, Lady
- Morgan, Thomas
- Morganatic Marriage
- Morgantown
- Morgarten
- Morgen
- Morghen, Raffaello Sanzio
- Morhier, Simon
- Morhof, Daniel Georg
- Moriah
- Morier, James
- Morier, Sir Robert Burnett David
- Mörike, Eduard Friedrich
- Morillon
- Morin, Jean
- Morion
- Moriscos
- Morison, James Augustus Cotter
- Moritz, Karl Philipp
- Morlaix
- Morland, George
- Morlanwelz
- Morley, Barons and Earls of
- Morley, George
- Morley, Henry
- Morley of Blackburn, John Morley, Viscount
- Morley, Samuel
- Morley, Thomas
- Morley
- Mormaor
- Mormons
- Mormyr
- Mornay, Philippe de
- Morning
- Morny, Charles Auguste ..., Duc de
- Moro, Antonio
- Morocco
- Morón de la Frontera
- Morone, Giovanni
- Moroni, Giambattista
- Morosini
- Morpeth
- Morpheus
- Morphine