- Wertheimer, Charles John
- Westermarck, Edward Alexander
- Western European Front Campaigns
- Wester Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss, 1st Baron
- West Indies, British
- Westinghouse, George
- Westlake, John
- Weston, Agnes
- West Point
- West Virginia
- Wharton, Edith
- Whitbread, Samuel
- White, Andrew Dickson
- White, Edward Douglass
- White, Sir George Stuart
- White, Sir William Henry
- Whiteaves, Joseph Frederick
- Whitlock, Brand
- Whymper, Edward
- Whyte, Alexander
- Wilberforce, Albert Basil Orme
- Wilbrandt, Adolf
- Wiley, Harvey Washington
- Willard, Daniel
- Willard, Edward Smith
- Willcocks, Sir William
- Willett, William
- William II. of Hohenzollern
- William
- Willy
- Wilson, Sir Arthur Knyvet
- Wilson, Sir Charles Rivers
- Wilson, Sir Henry Hughes
- Wilson, John Cook
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Wimborne, Ivor Bertie Guest, 1st Baron
- Winchester
- Wingate, Sir Francis Reginald
- Winnipeg
- Winter, John Strange
- Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony
- Wirth, Karl Joseph
- Wisconsin
- Wise, Bernhard Ringrose
- Wister, Owen
- Witte, Serge Julievich, Count
- Woëvre, Battles in the
- Wolfe-Barry, Sir John Wolfe
- Wolseley, Garnet Joseph Wolseley, Visct.
- Wolverhampton, Henry Hartley Fowler, Visct.
- Woman Suffrage
- Women
- Women, Legal Status of
- Women Police
- Women's Employment
- Women's War-Work
- Wood, Sir Henry Evelyn
- Wood, Sir Henry Joseph
- Wood, Mrs. John
- Wood, Leonard
- Woodgate, Walter Bradford
- Woods, Henry George
- Woodward, Henry
- Woodward, Horace Bolingbroke
- Wool
- Wooldridge, Harry Ellis
- Woolworth, Frank Winfield
- Wordsworth, Elizabeth
- Wordsworth, John
- World War, The
- Wrangel, Peter Nicholaievich, Baron
- Wrenbury, Henry Burton Buckley, 1st Baron
- Wright, Sir Almroth Edward
- Wright, Wilbur
- Wright, William Aldis
- Wundt, Wilhelm Max
- Württemberg
- Wyndham, Sir Charles
- Wyndham, George
- Wyoming
- Yachting
- Yale University
- Yamagata, Aritomo, Prince
- Yanushkevich, Nikolai
- Yarmouth
- Yeats, William Butler
- Yellow Fever
- Yoshihito
- Young Men's Christian Association
- Ypres
- Ypres and the Yser, Battles of
- Yuan Shih-k'ai
- Yudenich, Nikolai
- Yugoslavia
- Yukon Territory
- Zaglul, Saad
- Zangwill, Israel
- Zanzibar
- Zeebrugge
- Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand von