A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Io
- 䍃-1
- Earthen ware; a pitcher; to move; agitate; shake.
- 徭-1
- To serve; perform service for government.
- 愮-1
- Deflected; depraved; to seduce; impose upon.
- 搖-1
- To shake; wave; agitate.
- 猺-1
- A species of dog.
- 瑤-1
- A certain valuable stone.
- 謠-1
- To sing songs or ballads; to slander by idle stories.
- 𧽎-1
- To walk; go.
- 遙-1
- Remote; distant.
- 窑-1
- A pottery an empty; retired, silent place.
- 颻-1
- The wind shaking or agitating anything.
- 夭1
- Feeble; winning; luxuriant.
- 妖1
- Strange; superhuman; elves; fairies; an omen.
- 殀1
- To die early; short lived; to kill the young.
- 祅1
- Things produced out of the proper season or in an unnatural manner.
- 窈2
- Deep; profound; retired; tranquil.
- 夭2
- Calamity; untimely death.
- 舀2
- To remove a liquid from one vessel to another; to lade or dip out.
- 曜-3
- Light and splendor of the sun.
- 耀-3
- To shine upon; dart forth rays; luminous.
- 要3-
- To require; desire; requisite; important.