A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Iong
- 容-1
- Allow permit, yield to contain; bear with; endure; countenance; manner.
- 榕-1
- The banian tree.
- 溶-1
- To fill; to contain; gentle flow; ease; leisure.
- 蓉-1
- A certain plant whose flowers are said to change their color thrice a day.
- 塋-1
- A grave or tomb.
- 嫈-1
- Careful; attentive; good looking.
- 榮-1
- To honor; rank; glory; beams under the eaves of a house.
- 熒-1
- An illuminated house; name of a star and of a plant.
- 瑩-1
- Lustre of gems; bright; clear perceptions.
- 縈-1
- To wind or roll up.
- 罃-1
- An earthern pitcher or vessel with a long neck.
- 螢-1
- A fire fly; glow worm.
- 𤌌-1
- A deep lake; marshy ground.
- 營-1
- To explain and discuss; a camp.
- 庸-1
- Constant; ordinary; simple; cordial; agreeing.
- 傭-1
- To hire; to serve for hire; equal; impartial; to do.
- 墉-1
- A small city; a wall; to make a mud wall.
- 慵-1
- Indolent; lazy.
- 盈-1
- Full; overflowing; complete.
- 噰1
- Notes of birds; harmonious sounds.
- 饔1
- Dressed food; to cook a morning meal; harmony.
- 雍1邕1
- Harmony; to assist; collect together.
- 雝1
- Name of a small bird; harmonious notes or sounds.
- 癰1
- A swelling; large offensive sore; an ulcer.
- 喁1
- A gaping appearance.
- 顒1
- A commanding, dignified, benevolent appearance.
- 永2
- Perpetual; eternal; distant; always.
- 泳2
- Always flowing; to dive and walk about under water.
- 甬2
- To issue forth; pass through; containing; constant.
- 俑2
- A wooden image buried with a dead person as his attendant or servant.
- 湧2
- To bubble up as water from a spring.
- 勇2
- Strong; brave; resolute; decided; to exert one's self.
- 踴2踊2
- To leap or skip in zeal or joy,
- 咏3-詠3-
- To sing; recite; chant.
- 壅3-
- To stop up; prevent information; to add to.
- 擁3-
- To grasp; embrace; carry; crowd around.