A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Kùn
- 巾1
- A piece of cloth; a napkin.
- 斤1
- An axe; a catty; Chinese pound; to examine.
- 根1
- The root of a tree; radical; the source or origin of.
- 跟1
- The heel of the foot.
- 均1
- Equal; equally; all alike; to equalise; blend.
- 鈞1
- Thirty catties weight; to make, as a potter; nature.
- 筋1
- Tendons; strong muscular fibres; strong and nervous.
- 僅2
- Hardly; just about; just adequate; none to spare.
- 槿2
- A handle; name of a tree.
- 謹2
- Seriousness; respect; awe; care; attention; to guard against.
- 近-3
- Near, either in time or place; to approach.
- 覲3-
- To see; to see or be introduced to a superior.
- 饉3-
- Dearth; scarcity of vegetable diet.
- 𢀿3-
- Wine vessels used at marriages.
- 艮3-
- Perverse; firm; obstinate; a limit; boundary.