A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Kʽun
- 群-1
- A flock of sheep; a company of persons; to accord.
- 坤1
- The earth; inferior; submissive.
- 昆1
- An elder brother; to take precedence; altogether.
- 崑1
- A fabulous mountain in central Asia.
- 鯤1
- The spawn of fish; a very large fish.
- 髡1
- To cut or shave off the hair; a leafless tree.
- 囷2
- A round granary; a place to collect grain.
- 捆2
- To beat and bind; to make firm; well made.
- 梱2
- The two sideposts of a door or gate; to finish; close.
- 綑2
- To tie up; bind; weave.
- 閫2
- Posts of a gate; apartments for the women.
- 麕2
- A species of deer very timid.
- 窘2
- Pressed by poverty or want; embarrassed; enfeebled.
- 困3-
- Fatigued; exhausted; poor; weak; to weary; repress.