A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Pʽek
- 辟4
- A title of royal personages; majestic; punishment; laws.
- 劈4
- To strike or break open; to tear; split; cut.
- 擘4
- To open; break; the fingers.
- 癖4
- Indigestion; costiveness; a craving appetite; phlegm.
- 襞4
- To fold or plait garments.
- 闢4
- To shake; burst forth or open; to expand; retire.
- 霹4
- The shock and noise of thunder; crashing of an earthquake.
- 珀4
- Amber.
- 碧4
- A stone of azure or bluish color.
- 魄4
- The animal soul; sentient principle; form.
- 匐4
- To fall prostate; to go on the hands and knees; to hasten.
- 蔔4
- A species of turnip.